Saturday, June 11, 2011

What must we recognized if time comes that we loose our Faith in our Lord.

There are situations with our life that we begin to forget our faith, this is because of some moments that takes place during our time, like frustrations, pain, disappointments, problems, all stuff that will make somebody lose faith in God. And often, at this point, we are likely to stop worshipping God. However there are times that come on the way and make us feel that we have to not forget the love which He has showed and provided us. Praise and worships can take form often which can take place anytime as well as in any where.

Visual signs usually occurs when people encounter events that can help remind people that when in great need, what we must do is kneel and pray. This reminder often occurs by forms of images and a lot of other activities, particularly unusual ones.

Verbal reminders can also originate from unpredicted sources, from unexpected friends and unexpected places. Often it shows up in billboards it doesn't matter how unexpected which is but it’s true. Hence often occurs when we start looking up and prays to God what actually is going on to you and why the unexpected happens to you.

Praise and worships is actually never restricted not until you visit church weekly. You can worships any moment and then for any area. That is definitely true worship. During time when Jesus Christ walked planet earth, Jesus and His disciples taking a journey around and so they kneel down and pray anyplace when they have the opportunity to do it. They usually do it in the wilds, the lake, and in some cases on the way to where they're going next. This succesfully keeps their very own faith going, however there are times that the disciples are tested of their faith in Jesus Christ and frequently times servants tends to break even if they already know that He is with these always. When test happens like when they were in a boat in the middle of bad weather and Lord Jesus Christ ordered the storm to wind down, the apostles and servants broke down for their knees and start to worshipped for they already know they are safe and this happened in the same location that they are in. We might sometimes get our belief tested by storms in sorts of situations, worries, pain, failures, but this does not mean we must wait for the time for it to check out church and begin praising or send your prayers to God to shed us light from our darkest storms.